The ultimate question. Where to next? It's something I get asked regularly but rarely have a definitive answer for people. That might sounds strange for someone who loves to travel as much as I do, but all my travelling is usually done on a whim. Obviously I have a wanderlist a thousand miles long, but all of my travels up until this point haven't been planned or organized for months in advance. I didn't decide one day that in a years time I would quit my job and sell my stuff & go somewhere. It mostly been quick decisions that sure I thought about for a week or two but once I had though about it there was no turning back. I was going. I decided to go to Central America and then onto New Zealand one night at 4 am when I realized I needed to leave the place I was in, booked my flights then and there and 6 weeks later I was off on the first leg of my solo trip.
So this week when my all time fave travel group, Girls LOVE Travel announced they would be teaming up with Air New Zealand (amazing airline too) with the theme being "where to next?" I knew that I had to enter. About as often as I know where I'm off to next, is how often I enter contests. I sometimes think to myself "Laura you should enter it would be cool" and then something distracts me and I almost forget about it. But this? This one can't be forgotten. So I've entered! Starting from yesterday (June 2nd) and ending on June 16th (at noon eastern time) I will be posting multiple photos onto my Instagram account as entries for this contest. Following the guidelines & the tag/hashtag guide I will have the chance to be entered into the contest. At the end of the 2 weeks the 40 entries with the most Instagram likes will be selected and then posted to the private Girls LOVE Travel Facebook page in order to be liked & seen by the members of the group, and from there the runners up will be passed along to a panel of judges at Air New Zealand to take into account the photos, the captions, the creativity and the all over inspiration of the photos in order to select the 1 winner of 2 return tickets any where Air New Zealand flies!
Amazing right?! Well help a wanderer out and make that quick trip over to my Instagram page and show me some love with a little double tap on the next few photos I'll be posting until June 16th. The first photo is up and I'm feeling so much love from everyone who has shown their support in just 36 hours.