*Drum roll please* (please feel free to drum about on your desk/laptop/couch ect for dramatic effect)
TA DA! Here it is guys! What I've been working on for the last few weeks making sure to include as much from travels as possible (although now sitting here writing this out I can't help but think I'm forgetting something..) to share with all of you, to hopefully share with all the people you know!
For as long as I have been travelling I kept a blog. A place to put all my thoughts, feelings, experiences & just a few photos to share with all those out there wanting to know what crazy adventure I was headed off on next. And even before that I had a personal blog I shared. Yet, over the last few months (since returning from New Zealand I think) I've felt something was missing every time I visited my blog. I wasn't posting nearly as often, and I wasn't compelled to do so as I thought I was lacking something major in attracting people to my blog. With that I kind of put it on the backburner...that is UNTIL I started thinking that there had to be a way to rectify this issue. I had things to say and share regardless of if I was travelling, or living abroad anymore. And thus the website seed was planted in my overactive brain.
Now I know you might be thinking.. "another travel website?" That's alright, maybe you think there are too many of them on the world wide interwebs - you aren't wrong, there are a tonne of travel blogs & sites out there. And it's something I absolutely love, the fact that there are people who want to share their adventures and experiences with others? That to me is amazing, to take the time to build up a site and all the content? That's a feat in itself (as I'm currently learning). I want this to be a place where people can not only come to see what I've been up to (and find out where the heck I am) but a place for me to come when that 'wanderlust' feeling seems unreachable. As many of you know I haven't been that stationary of a person in the last few years. And with that can come a serious case of the "back home blues" as I like to call it. Essentially I miss travelling a lot more when I'm back "home" than I miss "home" when I am travelling. So I am going to use this as a platform to not only share things with all of you, but as a way to keep that travel bug alive (although I doubt it's going anywhere long-term).
So welcome! Take a look around the new digs, and know that I'm continually working on things behind the scenes to make this as much of an experience for you as I am myself.
A few things you might be wondering about while taking a stroll through my travels...
My previous blog page 'Living The Travel Life' can be found here & all the posts since the start can be found under the "Blogger" tab, but I will be using this site to update and post blogs from here on out. And still in the works is guest spot bloggers!
Under "Travel Snaps" you'll be able to have a look through just a few of my all-time photographs from my adventures around the world (and even a few from my own current backyard). Working my way into videography on some upcoming trips so those will be featured here as well. And would love to have guest photographers/videographers to post in the future
Under "Top Rated" is where you'll find any and all of my recommendations (and hopefully soon from others) and picks from where to lay your head at night after a day of surfing in Nicaragua, to travel agencies to get you around The Great Ocean Road in Australia and must see's like Hobbiton in New Zealand.
In the links section is where I've started to create a catalogue of different travel bloggers as well as helpful links when it comes to planning, getting from point A to point B, packing ect.
Want to get a break down of where I've been and where I'm dying to go next? Check out my Wanderlist!
So you have an awesome travel story / video/ photo album you want to share? Feel like you have something that the site is missing? Just want to have a chat? Hit the Contact tab and in a few seconds we'll be connected.
Have some advertising in the travel world you want me to help share with my readers? Interested in collaborating on a trip or blog post with me? You'll want to click on the Work With Me page for that!
Social media is such a huge part of life these days, and it becomes even more important to those of us who travel to keep in touch with our friends & fam back home. So should you feel like following me a little more closesly click the Connect With Me tab for access to my Twitter & Instagram accounts. I'm working on creating accoutns specific to travel/this website but for now my personal accounts are linked.
As of right now there is still work to be done, and I am in the process of getting some things together to make this site what I truly want it to be not only for myself but for you guys. If there is anything you guys want to see more or less of let me know! If you have an awesome travel story you want to share I would love to write about it with you. Some must see's from your last backpacking adventure? Please get in touch with me. I hope to make this as interactive as possible. Probably my favourite part about travelling (besides seeing amazing things) is meeting amazing people and I hope to be able to use this site as a platform to do just that. I'm grateful to all the people who frequented my blog; http://livingthetravellife.blogspot.ca/ for the last 5 years and I truly hope that you all visit me here just as often (if not more *wink wink nudge nudge). To everyone who has supported my travels over the last few years you guys are why I do this. I love being able to share my experiences with you and I hope that you enjoy it just as much as I do.
So take a break from "reality" for just a few minutes and enjoy getting lost in my Wanderland.
