Oahu Pt 3: The Day of Smooth Seas & A Luau
The last day of a trip is always met with mixed feelings. On one hand you’re so gutted to have to leave the place you’re in, but on the...

Oahu Pt 2: Hike-A-Palooza & Highway Beaches
How many of you enjoy vacations where you relax on the beach, cocktail in hand, no plans for the week & are happy as can be about it? I'm...

Oahu Pt 1; Less Mud, More waves.
When I left you last we were on our way over to Oahu, where 2/3 of Hawaii’s population reside. Which is mind blowing as we were coming...

Kauai; Sunrises, Mud Slides & Rugged Coast Lines
Aloha! I’m back from heavenly Hawaii with MUCH to share with you. I cannot believe that this adventure has already come & gone, like...

Aloha Bound
How many of you have been on a tropical vacation with your friends? Maybe even a solo relaxing beach getaway for a week? I'll take it...

The Big Reveal
*Drum roll please* (please feel free to drum about on your desk/laptop/couch ect for dramatic effect) TA DA! Here it is guys! What I've...

The Best of Auckland
Beaches, volcanoes, islands, wine tasting, adventure sports & so much more. This city has something for everyone and I'm giving you